Comments on: Calgary Leaf Blower Noise Nuisance: Health Hazard And Environmental Impact, Night And Day Music For The Masses Tue, 11 Jul 2023 03:25:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Vlahos Wed, 22 Feb 2023 13:46:49 +0000 I am happy I saw your post. The more research I do into this, the more I find it is an issue and has been for years. I live in Shawnessy next to big box stores and when it snows and after I can expect not to sleep. The contractors come at 4 or 5am with their machines. I complained a year ago to them after they came at 3am and said they won’t change but will try to come later. I guess later means 1 hour. I have complained to the city more than once and was told a multi billion dollar company will do what ever they want. I also complained to my councillor last year who said it was being looked at. Yeah right! So I sent CBC an email a few weeks ago and not heard anything back. Feeling absolutely powerless! I am considering asking all the residents in my apartment complex if they get disturbed and if so writing a letter with all our signatures to our councillor and MP. Have you had any new success since writing your post?
